• tel: 0532-82865446
  • fax: 0532-82870927
  • e-mail:sdioi@sdioi.com
founded in 1966, institute of oceanographic instrumentation, shandong academy of sciences (sdioi), focuses on basic and applied basic research, key generic technology research and industrialization of related achievements. sdioi also carries out domestic and international scientific cooperation, builds marine monitoring scientific innovation platform, provides public service and trains post-graduate students......
dynamic news>>

sergiy myakushko visits sdioi

may 24, 2015. accompanied with liu chunlin, deputy director of technological cooperation division of ..


sdioi has reached the cooperation intention for the establis ..

sdioi has reached the cooperation intention for the establishment of south china sea base of nationa ..


5 members of the leadership members visited qingdao national ..

on afternoon of 5th, may, 2015, mr zhang tao, director of sdioi, mr zhao yanzhi, party secretary of ..

